Another website post

December 3, 2009 at 10:11 pm (Uncategorized)

So redesigning the Kids Kottage website for our last project. Every time I see the name I think KKK.

As usual I’m really unhappy with what I came up with. I’m pretty sure it’s because I never have any ideas anyway and just do what ever happens when I sit down at the computer, desperately.

Anyway, these are them.

So now we have to do something with fonts for it in css but I’m not really sure what exactly it is. I’m pretty confused at this point. I used to muck around with html when I was younger and I was kinda hoping it would help with this stuff. It’s not completely greek, but it’s not entirely clear either.

On the plus side I’m happy with the cookie logo stationary I made. I’m sure it will look like shit compared to everyone else’s tomorrow though. Anytime I think i’ve done something halfway decent every other person in the class has done an entirely better job; I’m starting to doubt my position in this program.

Also, it took me until getting to school this morning to realize I was wearing my dress inside out.

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